Writing Petals

Like CLAMP's recent series, Kobato. is tied with another CLAMP's series Wish with some crossover cameos of CCS, Chobits, Miyuki and xxxHolic. The series is about Kobato, who is sent to earth to collect candies from broken hearts she had healed. So far the anime has a different ending, while the manga is still on-going using a different course... 
ughhh I ship the Fujimoto/Kobato so hard, much as Ginsei/Ioryogi. 

- Multichapters


- Oneshots/drabbles

Delivery service
Summary: Kinomoto Touya works part-time at a convenience store owned by a man called Kakei. One day he's supposed to do a delivery for the old man, Mr. Reed, from across the streets. The man apparently is 956 years old
Characters: Touya, Yue, Clow (CCS), Kazehaya, Rikuou, Kakei (GD), Fujimoto (Kobato.) |  PG |
Other: AU, crossover [part 1 of a series of related one-shots surrounding the convenience store] 
Notes: This was inspired by a neighbour of mine and somehow the plotbunny morphed itself into this story and demanded a longer series out of this little incident of helping a neighbour out. [will stay in this one shot section until further notice...]